Window Managers

To control their window managers, most users rely on shortcuts based on Super. The ADM42 encourages this practice by providing Super on both sides.

For example:

  • Primary actions: Super + letter
  • Secondary (or move) actions: Super + Shift + letter

Mouse Usage

On tiling window managers, it's typical to use Super in conjonction with mouse for specific actions like moving or resizing windows.

Enable Super as Pending MOD in System Layer for immediate reactivity.

Useful Key Bindings

Consider these key combinations to control common tasks like cycling windows, launching a terminal or dmenu:

  • Super + Tab
  • Super + BackSpace
  • Super + Space
  • Super + Enter
  • Super + Esc
  • Super + Delete

Use both hands simultaneously to benefit of Opposite MODs as TAPs.

Desktops Switching

If one has no other usage for the F-keys (F1 to F10), they can be a good alternative to combinations with numbers to switch deskop or move windows.

  • Switch to desktop 1-10: F1-F10
  • Move window to desktop 1-10: Shift + F1-F10